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Feb 04

It’s been three months now, and so Effie wantsta know if that counts as sn ampuversary.

That is all.

Over and out!

Dec 03


Somebody was feeling playful, for the first time in a while!

(Had some boughts of throwing up for a few/several days. I can’t remember how many, because I didn’t get whole lots of sleep during said time.)

*** Trigger Warning: Disgusting Descriptions ***

She was throwing up water and bile spontaneously here and there — e.g., in the middle of the night, startling both of us awake. There was a lot of it, and it went everywhere, and evaded all standard forms of cleaning (e.g., strangely repelled by mopping). Oh. And also? It was, by far, the most yuckiest smell I have ever smelled in my life. (And I’ve encountered those weird mushrooms that grow only in October.)

** End Gross Stuff ***

But she’sbeen playing more and more with the multifunctional-toy-thingy that grandma made.

Many yays!


Nov 26



Slept in an actual bedroom last night! Now that the floors have been sealed and painted, The Effer and I are no longer camping in the living room. Yay!

Nov 24


On the menu is beef liver, ground beef, peas, green beans, kale, spinach, butternut squash, pear, apple, blueberry, yogurt, flax meal, fish oil.

And, oh, I just realized that I forgot to mix in the pumpkin puree. (Meh. Tomorrow.)

You can see the fine culinary achievement in the photo, above. It looks, um, appetizing?

She gobbled it up.

Yay! Happy Thanksgiving!

Nov 18


Who’s ready for chemo?!?!


Erm.. Uh..


Meh.. Eff it.. Let’s do it!!


That was two mornings ago, on the way to the first chemo treatment. Happy-go-lucky and plucky, as always.

We were told that the third or so day can be rough, so I’m working from home today. That way she can rest at home, where it’s quieter.

Need to get back to work now, but haven’t updated in a while, so wanted to be sure to give you guys the scoop: Effin chemo has been, thankfully, uneventful so far!
