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Nov 18


Who’s ready for chemo?!?!


Erm.. Uh..


Meh.. Eff it.. Let’s do it!!


That was two mornings ago, on the way to the first chemo treatment. Happy-go-lucky and plucky, as always.

We were told that the third or so day can be rough, so I’m working from home today. That way she can rest at home, where it’s quieter.

Need to get back to work now, but haven’t updated in a while, so wanted to be sure to give you guys the scoop: Effin chemo has been, thankfully, uneventful so far!


7 comments so far

  1. Terry
    1:55 pm - 11-18-2016

    I am very sorry you have to go through this sweet Effie girl. You are on a very challenging road right now and are doing a great job. Love the pictures … what a fashion statement you are 🙂

  2. benny55
    3:17 pm - 11-18-2016

    Effie, you are a true fashionista!! Such a beatiful model as yourself can make anything look good!

    Keep on handling things like the ROCK STAR you are!! You, and your humans, are doing great!!

    LOOOOOOOOVE these pictures!! Keep ’em coming!

    Oh,and chemo day means you get to stop by a drive thru and eat a cheeseburger!!


    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    • TripawdEffie
      5:44 pm - 11-18-2016

      Is it the tripawd or the human that gets to eat the cheeseburger? 😉

  3. megstamum
    9:49 pm - 11-18-2016

    Awww, look at you, sweet darling! Such a gorgeous girl.
    And just to clear up any doubt, it’s YOU who gets the cheeseburger, Effie! YOU!!! And it sounds like you’ve got some owing. Enjoy! Yom yom xxxx
    Love Meg, Clare and Elsie Pie xxxxx

  4. otisandtess
    11:07 pm - 11-18-2016

    The Tripawd! If the humans ate the cheeseburgers (and the chocolate and wine) we would all weigh 500 pounds and our Tripawds would be pulling us along in a sling.

  5. superkylie
    4:41 am - 11-20-2016

    Oh Effie you are one stylish Diva! 🙂
    Ya chemo sucks, just hoping you’re not one who gets the side effects. Kylie had it bad the first go around (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea so weak & lethargic! Couldn’t get her to eat for a few days!! Had me so worried!
    Now we have pills for that 😀 and we start them Before day 3 & avoid all the nasty stuff altogether. Just finished her 4th chemo treatment and doing fabulous!
    Enjoy that cheeseburger! You deserve it! (Both u And your human 😉
    Chris & Kylie xo

  6. jerry
    6:57 pm - 11-20-2016

    Here’s no side effects! That’s super, super cool. I hope the last couple of days have been just as uneventful.

    You really are so adorable. I love your Tripawd wardrobe!

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