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2016 Archive

Nov 06

Effie hasn’t a thing to wear. What’s a girl to do? Improvise, of course. But wait.. I’ll back up.. The post-op instructions specified that she needs to wear either a t-shirt or The Cone of Shame, until the sutures heal. The t-shirt is definitely the preferred option, but we have had a ridiculous time trying […]

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Nov 04

First morning at the new place. So much quieter here — except for the chatty birds. Effie loves it. She spent the day at doggie-daycare yesterday. In an executive decision, and after consulting with the surgeon and her staff, we decided that a day (in the recovery room) there would provide some normalcy to an […]

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Nov 02

We picked her up at 5:30, after getting the all-clear from the doctor. The amputation went well, no complications. Before leaving, we scheduled a consultation with the oncologist for two weeks out, to discuss the first round of chemo. We were told that she was eating and drinking normally earlier today, although she had some […]

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