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Nov 03

Effie was laid to rest on Saturday, November 3rd, 2018.

Her bed was piled high with cushions and surrounded by fresh-cut lavender/grasses from the garden.  It was sunny, and the birds in the nearby trees were chattering away. 

As the sedative began to take effect, we played her favorite video (Puppies First Time Down At The Pond) as C and I both encouraged her to run to the pond along with them.  We like to think that her last thoughts/dreams were of just that — running and jumping and pond-swimming with a whole pack of happy labrador puppies. 

I hope to be updating the blog in the near future with stories and photos from the last couple days, as well as some saved-up stories and photos of the past two years.  In the meantime, we included a photo (above) of her final resting place.  We think the white pine tree will grow to be strong and steadfast, just like her.

Rest in peace, agapi mou. <3

2 comments so far

  1. jerry
    4:25 am - 11-4-2018

    I’m so very, very sorry. That sun is almost as beautiful as your girl, its energy glowing with the eternal love that she has sent across time to you, and all of us who remain here on earth, forever inspired by her courage and amazing, inspawrational life on three legs.

    You both lived life to the fullest, even in the face of cancer’s darkest days! Through Effie’s blog you shared the ups and downs of a journey that at first may seem terrifying, but in the end is one that is full of a lifetime of rewards, gifts that show us how to Be More Dog and live in the Now. Effie did that! You did that! And because of all you shared, we are forever grateful. THANK YOU for being here to inspire so many, for all time.

    Our hearts are heavy knowing that she is now an angel, almost two years to the day of her ampuversary. Amazing. Just like her.

    Please know that we are here for you as you cope with the loss of your sweet girl. If you want to talk, come to the Forums or call the Helpline at 844-TRIPAWD. You are not alone, ever.

    Thank you for all your support and love during your journey. We will miss your girl but are keeping her in our hearts for all time.

  2. benny55
    6:36 pm - 11-8-2018

    Tears are flowing yet again. Yet my jeart is so full of love for you and the way you handled Effie’s celebratory send off.Ypu set up such a peaceful spot for her transition.

    To have presence of mind to play the video so she can see she needed to run joyfully to the pond just warmed my jeart. There are no words to express the exquisite and magical way you sent her on her next adventure.

    Effie IS swimming at the one and she IS getting all the junk food a dog could EVER want. She IS bragging to all the Bridge occupants about the great time she had with you while in her earth clothes And she IS watching over you now!

    I know it is incredibly jard to post eight now and your grief is still so raw and heavy. But I want to thank you for sharing ALL of Eddie’s jpirneynwithnus, as well as this beautiful send off you gave her. She is such a huge part of this community…and a huge part of our hearts.💖

    When you can, we really look forward to hearing more about this smile making dog. And let us know when she sends you signs okay? An unexplained “scent of wet dog” may be one way!

    With love to all
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too

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