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Nov 03

Effie’s Sunset

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Effie was laid to rest on Saturday, November 3rd, 2018.

Her bed was piled high with cushions and surrounded by fresh-cut lavender/grasses from the garden.  It was sunny, and the birds in the nearby trees were chattering away. 

As the sedative began to take effect, we played her favorite video (Puppies First Time Down At The Pond) as C and I both encouraged her to run to the pond along with them.  We like to think that her last thoughts/dreams were of just that — running and jumping and pond-swimming with a whole pack of happy labrador puppies. 

I hope to be updating the blog in the near future with stories and photos from the last couple days, as well as some saved-up stories and photos of the past two years.  In the meantime, we included a photo (above) of her final resting place.  We think the white pine tree will grow to be strong and steadfast, just like her.

Rest in peace, agapi mou. <3

Nov 03

Sending Off

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Effie had such a great day, yesterday, at her bon voyage parties, that she konked out pretty early on during movie-marathon.

This morning, C and Ella were able to spend some quiet time with her while I set stuff up in the backyard — a pop-up tent under one of the trees with a large woven rug, a chair for the doctor, a crate for Ella, and (not pictured) a bed for Effie.

Nov 02

Warm Thanks

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Thank you, everyone, for the lovely words and kind wishes.

C and I would also like to make sure to say that we do not want to receive cards or flowers. Please please do not send them. Please. Truly truly.

If you insist on some additional gesture, beyond your beautiful thoughts and prayers, you can make a donation to either of the two following nonprofits, below.

Love and hugs and warm thanks. /C+M

Nov 01


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Today is Effie’s two-year ampuversary.

Two years! It is truly a cause to celebrate.

And, yet, I admit that the photo above was not taken recently. That was September. Things started to turn about a month ago, especially so this past week.

I can’t bring myself to write a longer post at the moment, but I can say we just returned from the oncologist.

It’s time.

Tomorrow, I’ll be taking the day off, so that we can do some of her favorite things and visit some of her favorite people. Then she and I and C and her puppy, Ella, will spend a special Saturday morning together.

I hope, in the coming months, I can post some more details about the good times she was able to have over the past two years. In the meantime, we’ll be focusing on bringing her peace as best we can.

Love and hugs and a good night to all..

Oct 27


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Super. Halloween. Twenty. Seventeen. Say it five times fast!

Wait. I’ll back up.

I, known to most of you as “Effie”, am in fact “SuperDog” in disguise. Since it is Halloween-ish, or thereabouts, I will hide my true identity in plain sight as this year’s costume.

Oh! And also I adopted a puppy. My humans named her “Ella”, but I immediately recognized her speed-of-flight and high-frequency-screech capabilities. She is, of course, none other than “BatPuppy”.

We drove out to Michigan Animal Rescue League on my birthday, and in celebration of my one-year ampuversary (next week). It was on that fateful day (okay just only a few days ago) that we met and vowed to join forces.

Since then, we have played many rounds of a game we call “BiteyFace”. And also I am pretty much geeked-out every moment of every day now.

Oh. I forgot I was explaining something. But that’s okay. I mean, just look at my face. Look!